
Can you solve our riddles?


Riddles Solved

Riddle # 1: "The Price of Fame"

Status: Unsolved

The first person to submit the
correct answer will receive
$100 in Bitcoin!

Riddle #3: "Read Me Everywhere"

Status: Unsolved

The first person to submit the
correct answer will receive
$100 in Bitcoin!

Riddle #4: "Trey's Treasure"

Status: Unsolved

The first person to submit the
correct answer will receive
$100 in Bitcoin!

What is this?

It's just a fun site to share some custom riddles designed by RiddleOne. Have fun!


How do I submit my answer?

Each riddle will allow you to check your answer. If your answer is indeed correct, then detailed instructions will display on your screen explaining how to submit your answer and claim your reward. Only the first person to submit a correct answer (per riddle) will receive a reward.


How often will you submit new riddles?

Only one riddle will be released at a time. If riddles go unsolved over a long period of time, then we might consider increasing the rewards.


Do you provide any hints?

Yes. You will receive some hints—after a certain number of attempts—as long as you don't refresh the browser page. Just keep clicking on the "Back" button for each riddle.


Please share RiddleOne.com with
your family and friends!